Rebate Programs


Friedrich Consumer Rebate

Friedrich offers Room Air Conditioner Rebates! Open and download the PDF Instructions for claiming your rebate based on the model you purchased:

Models CCW15, CCW18, CCW24 PDF

Other Models PDF

conEdison Participating contractor

Clean Heat Rebate

Ask the experts at Weston Bros if your equipment qualifies for a rebate. Ductless split system clean heat rebate program for qualifying Ductless with NYSERDA and ConEdison.

When installing a whole-home air source heat pump system, Con Edison customers may receive thousands off new equipment when you remove your old fossil fuel system. The experts at Weston Bros will advise you on the best equipment for your home and ensure it qualifies for the New York State Clean Heat Rebate Program. Con Edison rebates will be deducted from the installation cost, so you won’t wait for a rebate check.


Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits – 25C

This is a tax credit that you need to apply for on your tax form when you file your taxes.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will bring energy bill relief to U.S. households by incentivizing the adoption of more efficient, all-electric appliances.

The IRA recognizes the key role of highly efficient, variable-capacity heat pumps in slashing domestic greenhouse gas emissions and lowering energy costs for Americans.

The Inflation Reduction Act provides a tremendous opportunity for homeowners to switch to heat pumps and other clean, efficient energy solutions by offering significant federal income tax credits, available through 2032. These tax credits can be combined with NYS Clean Heat rebates, making heat pumps more affordable than ever before.

Are Mitsubishi heat pumps included in the Inflation Reduction Act?

Yes, heat pumps are included in the Inflation Reduction Act. Homeowners can qualify for a tax credit of 30% for the purchase and installation of a qualified heat pump, up to $2,000.

The heat pump system must meet or exceed the highest performance tier set by the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE).

Households must have an adequate tax liability to offset the amount of the tax credit.

Learn More


Residential Clean Energy Tax Credit

Visit the IRS website for additional information. Use their website, or the button below, to download forms:

Visit IRS Website

IRS WEBSITE form 5695

iRS WEBSITE Instructions

Mitsubishi Qualifying Equipment List


  1. The tax credit begins with tax year 2023.

  2. You claim your tax credit on your taxes for the year the equipment was installed.

  3. 30% of the total installed cost, UP TO $2000, for the category of electric heat pumps (line 29a of form 5695).

  4. The heat pump system equipment must be a (25C) tax credit qualifying system. The Mitsubishi equipment link for qualifying equipment can be viewed here.

  5. You must have a tax liability to offset the credit.